upcoming event

あ   ら    や   し き



"Reality is a mirror of the Alaya-vijnana."







"Alaya-vijnana: Exploring the Depths of the Unconscious through Psychedelia and Pop Art, Language, and Gender."

This exhibition delves into the depths of the Alaya-vijnana, exploring the unconscious mind where karma and experiences are stored, expressed vividly through psychedelic and pop art styles. The collection features works painted in vibrant colors and bold shapes, visually capturing the sensations and emotions stored within the mind's reservoir, inviting viewers on a journey into their inner worlds.

By reimagining traditional Buddhist symbols and iconography through a contemporary lens and fusing them with psychedelic elements, the exhibition transforms Buddhist spiritual insights into pop art. It also intertwines themes of language and gender, examining how these intersect with the layers of the unconscious and influence self-understanding.

This exhibition offers a space where the wisdom of Buddhism meets the creativity of contemporary art, providing audiences with a fresh perspective on the depths of the mind and the societal factors that shape it.




1. **固定概念にとらわれない**:物事を従来の枠組みや常識にとらわれずに捉え、新しい視点やアイデアを探求する。既存のルールや社会的な期待に縛られず、自分自身の価値観や信念を大切にする。

2. **柔軟性と適応力**:予期しない状況や変化に対して柔軟に対応し、自分の考えや行動を必要に応じて変えることができる。アブストラクトな生き方は、変化を恐れず、それを成長や発展の機会と捉えることができる。

3. **創造性の重視**:日常生活においても創造的なアプローチを取ることを重視する。問題解決や意思決定の際に、既存の解決策ではなく、独自の方法や視点を見つけ出すことを目指す。

4. **多様な解釈を受け入れる**:物事や状況には複数の見方や解釈があることを理解し、他者の異なる視点や意見を尊重する。自分の経験や感情を基にした解釈を大切にしつつも、他者の解釈にも開かれている。

5. **内面的な自己の探求**:外部の状況に左右されるのではなく、自分の内面に焦点を当て、自己の価値や目標を追求。自己の本質や意味を探ることに重きを置き、自分らしい生き方を模索する。

"An Abstract Way of Life"

"An abstract way of life" refers to living with flexibility and freedom of thought, unbound by specific frameworks.


  1. Breaking Free from Fixed Ideas: This approach involves viewing things without being constrained by conventional frameworks or societal norms, seeking out new perspectives and ideas. It values personal beliefs and principles over existing rules and societal expectations.

  2. Flexibility and Adaptability: It embodies the ability to respond flexibly to unexpected situations or changes, adjusting thoughts and actions as needed. An abstract way of life embraces change, seeing it as an opportunity for growth and development.

  3. Emphasis on Creativity: Creativity is prioritized in everyday life, whether in problem-solving or decision-making, focusing on finding unique solutions or perspectives rather than relying on traditional approaches.

  4. Acceptance of Diverse Interpretations: This mindset recognizes that there are multiple ways to interpret situations or events, respecting different viewpoints and opinions. While valuing one's own interpretations based on personal experience and emotion, it remains open to others' interpretations as well.

  5. Inner Exploration of the Self: Rather than being swayed by external circumstances, this approach focuses on the inner self, pursuing personal values and goals. It emphasizes the exploration of one's essence and meaning, seeking a way of life that is true to oneself.

開催期間:2025 年 6月中旬予定

 開催場所:同時代ギャラリー Gallery Garage
( 京都府京都市南区東九条北松ノ木町 7-1)