@Dohjidai Gallery


DEBAUCHED KINESTHESIAとは 身体が従来の慣れ親しんだ使い方とは違う、新たな方法で骨格や筋肉を使い始めた時に生じる違 和感。自分の習慣や物事のやり方に慣れすぎていて、何かが変わると不可能にさえ感じたりするこ とを意味する。

作者がNY在住時の2018年より継続して学んでいる身体感覚のトレーニング、アレキサンダーテク ニークのコンセプトのひとつ。

このコンセプトから着想を得て、普段目には見えないけれども無意識に動かしている、人間の臓器や 骨をモチーフに、作品を通して意識と感覚を与える。

その意識や感覚が、不思議であり得ないけれど、エネルギッシュでヒーリング。 生じる違和感が感覚を呼び覚ます一歩となる。

病は気からという言葉のように、人が持つ意識や思考は自分の身体や心にも大きな影響を及ぼすと 作者自身の経験からも確信している。



表現のスタイルは多岐に渡るが、根底にあるのはアート表現活動を通して、それぞれの人生、その渦の 中を生きる人たちが抱える心の重りを少しでも解放し、癒すこと。魂の自立。

自身を振り返ると、何かを表現することはいつも自分を解放し癒すための行動だった。 歌うことも踊ることも絵を描くことも全ては自分と繋がり、潜っていく工程だった。 自分だけの自分さえわかっていればそれでいい、心地のいい世界だった。 内に向く力が強かったこのエネルギーを、外に向けて解放してみようと思う。 それが誰かのためになるのなら、隠さずに喜んでもいいんじゃないかと思えてきたから。

-About the Exhibition-


The discomfort that occurs when you start using your bones and muscles in a new way, different from the way you are used to. It means that you are so used to your habits and ways of doing things that when something changes, it even feels impossible.

One of the concepts of the Alexander Technique, a training of physical sensations that the artist has been studying since 2018 when he was living in New York.

Inspired by this concept, he gives consciousness and sensation through his works, using human organs and bones, which are usually invisible to the eye but move unconsciously.

These consciousness and sensations are mysterious and impossible, but energetic and healing. The discomfort that arises is a step to awaken the senses.

As the saying goes, illness comes from the mind, and the artist is convinced from his own experience that the consciousness and thoughts that people have have a great influence on their own bodies and minds.

I would be happy if the colorful energy of the colors and the world of the artist's imagination could be a trigger to start a conversation with the body in the mind of the viewers.


My style of expression is diverse, but at the heart of it all is to release and heal the burden on the hearts of those who live their lives in the whirlpool of artistic expression. Independence of the soul.

Looking back at myself, expressing myself has always been an act of liberation and healing.

Singing, dancing, and painting were all processes of connecting with myself and diving deep into myself.

It was a comfortable world where it was enough as long as I knew my own unique self.

I want to release this energy, which had a strong inward force, outward.

I've come to think that if it helps someone, it's okay to be happy about it without hiding it.