
"My vision is to deeply explore the connection between body and mind, making it the central focus of my artistic expression.I challenge myself to visually manifest the unseen energies and sensations through my unique perspective."


Toshifumi Kakiuchiは、教師資格も有するAlexander Techniqueを基に、体と精神の繋がりを探求する革新的なアーティストです。彼の作品は、身体の動きや感覚、内面的な状態を視覚的に表現し、深い感情的体験を提供します。Alexander Techniqueの原則を取り入れたインスタレーションやパフォーマンスアートを通じて、観客に自己認識と成長の機会を提供し、アートが心と体の結びつきを深める力を示しています。ギャラリーや美術館での展示に加え、インタラクティブなイベントでも活動の幅を広げています。

Toshifumi Kakiuchi is an innovative artist who explores the connection between body and mind through the principles of the Alexander Technique. His work visually expresses the movement of the body, sensory experiences, and inner states, providing profound emotional experiences. Through installations and performance art that incorporate the principles of the Alexander Technique, he offers audiences opportunities for self-awareness and growth, demonstrating the power of art to deepen the connection between mind and body. In addition to exhibitions in galleries and museums, his work has been highly acclaimed in interactive events as well.


"Every person's life is an art in itself."

ー Toshifumi Kakiuchi





"My goal is to deeply explore the connection between body and mind, making it the central focus of my artistic expression. As a certified Alexander Technique teacher, I understand how the use of our body and the way we hold our awareness can profoundly impact our creativity and expression. Drawing on this knowledge, I challenge myself to visually manifest the unseen energies and sensations through my unique perspective.

In my approach, I utilize a keen sense of color and a process of automatic writing, which I refer to as 'autopilot mode,' to freely let my pen flow while connecting with the deeper layers of my unconscious. Through this process, the feelings and thoughts that resonate within me are expressed in a visible form.

The art I create is more than just visual imagery; it is an attempt to embody the dialogue between my inner world and the outer world, and the flow of energy between them. In my work, I aim to ensure that the energy and sensations I experience are conveyed directly to the viewer through the use of color and form."


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